Featured Opportunites
Rural Research Award Program
Program Overview
The Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute, in partnership with the UAMS Rural Research Network, has created the Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute Rural Research Award Program. The goal of this program is to support investigators or teams of investigators seeking to collect data for competitive NCI/NIH R01 grant submissions. The program funds projects with a maximum budget of $100,000 each.
Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute Team Science Award
Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute Team Science Awards are available to support new cancer-focused research between Cancer Institute members. Funding will support multi-PI teams pursuing new avenues of cancer research that will accelerate the collection of data for NCI grant submissions and cancer-relevant publications. The team must have PIs from different Cancer Institute Programs. Funds will not supplement already funded research. Proposals should align with the mission and goals of the Cancer Institute.
Each PI must be a Cancer Institute Full Member. The multi-PI team must have PIs from different Cancer Institute Programs. A letter of intent is required for the submission of a full application.
The maximum 1-year budget is $100,000. Funds may not be used for faculty salary support. Applicants are encouraged to utilize and budget appropriately for the use of cancer Institute Shared Resources. Indirect costs are not allowed.
Proposals will be peer-reviewed. The Cancer Institute Director will make final funding decisions.
To be eligible for future Cancer Institute support, award recipients will be expected to (1)participate in Cancer Institute activities including but not limited to Program Meetings, Annual Meetings, and Cancer Institute-sponsored seminars and (2) complete annual surveys to collect funding outcome metrics.
For general questions, contact Dr. Alan Tackett (AJTackett@uams.edu).
For administrative questions, contact Ms. Sonet Weed (SWeed@uams.edu).
Other Opportunities
Arkansas Breast Cancer Research Program (ABCRP)
In 1997, through Act 434, The Arkansas Breast Cancer Act, the Arkansas General Assembly authorized monies to, “support research efforts into the cause, cure, treatment, earlier detection and prevention of breast cancer,” through the creation of the Arkansas Breast Cancer Research Program (ABCRP). The goal of ABCRP is to fund research that supports the mission of ABCRP, as defined above, and complements federally funded research.
Each year, the program funds up to 3, two-year $50,000 pilot awards and one, two-year $250,000 investigator award.
Download our Fiscal Year 2025 RFA now
Pew-Stewart Scholar
The Pew-Stewart Scholars for Cancer Research program supports promising assistant professors engaged in innovative research working toward a cure for cancer. The Cancer Institute nominates one faculty member to this nationally competitive award program. In line with The Alexander and Margaret Stewart Trust’s mission to invest in innovative, cutting-edge cancer research that may accelerate and advance progress toward a cure for cancer, applications are invited from nominees conducting cancer research.
- $75,000 award
- 4 year award period
- Applications due in May
Seeds of Science Award
Since 2009, the Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute has invested in outstanding cancer researchers through the Seeds of Science grant-funding program. The Seeds of Science program is supported by (1) The Envoys who are a group of community and business leaders that advocate on behalf of the Cancer Institute and (2) the Hot Springs Village Walk for Cancer Research. Funding will support Cancer Institute Investigators pursuing new avenues of cancer research that will accelerate the collection of data for NCI grant submissions and cancer-relevant publications. Funds will not supplement already funded research. Proposals should align with the mission and goals of the Cancer Institute.
Each PI must be a Cancer Institute Associate or Full Member. A letter of intent is required for the submission of a full application.
The maximum 1-year budget is $50,000. Funds may not be used for faculty salary support. Applicants are encouraged to utilize and budget appropriately for use of cancer Institute Shared Resources. Indirect costs are not allowed.
Proposals will be peer-reviewed. The Envoys Board of Directors, HSV Walk Directors, and Cancer Institute Director will make final funding decisions.
To be eligible for future Cancer Institute support, award recipients will be expected to (1)participate in Cancer Institute activities including but not limited to Program Meetings, Annual Meetings, and cancer Institute-sponsored seminars and (2) complete annual surveys to collect funding outcome metrics.
For general questions, contact Dr. Alan Tackett (AJTackett@uams.edu).
For administrative questions, contact Ms. Sonet Weed (SWeed@uams.edu).
Travel Grants
Travel Grants are now accepting applications. Eligible applicants include Cancer Institute full member faculty, as well as post-doctoral fellows, medical students and graduate students in cancer institute full member laboratories.
Priority will be given to junior investigators.
Travel Grant Application
If you have questions regarding travel grants or need assistance with the application, please contact Brittany Maxwell at BSMaxwell@uams.edu
Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute Shared Resource Voucher Program
The Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute Shared Resource Voucher Program provides Cancer Institute members paid access to shared resources supported by the Cancer Institute. Available resources include the Genomics Shared Resource, Proteomics Shared Resource, Radiation Biology Shared Resource, and Translational Pathology Shared Resource. This voucher program is intended to accelerate the collection of data for NCI grant submissions and cancer-relevant publications.
Cancer Institute members may submit an application requesting up to $5,000 to access fee-for-service shared resources. Interested applicants can submit an application. Applicants will need to prepare a 1-page application including the following subsections: Project Summary, Resource Utilization, and Plan for Extramural Funding and Publication. An official quote must be obtained from the Shared Resource director and uploaded with the application. Applicants using the Proteomics or Genomics Cores are encouraged to consult with the Bioinformatics Core. Applicants who are affiliate members should submit a letter of support from their primary mentor.
Cancer Institute members may only have one active voucher award at a time. Awarded vouchers must be fully utilized prior to new voucher awards being made.
Due dates
Applications are accepted on a continuous basis, provided the Cancer Institute member has samples ready for analysis. Any voucher application without samples in hand will be rejected until samples are collected.
For general questions or concerns, contact Dr. Alan Tackett (AJTackett@uams.edu).
For administrative questions or concerns, contact Ms. Sonet Weed (SWeed@uams.edu).